Vladimir Devyatov is an outstanding singer of folk songs and romance, who has got the world wide recognition, laureate of Russian and international competitions, festivals. He is also the laureate of the state prizes. People’s artist of Russia.


Organization of concerts

Concert Director - Elizabeth Devyatova

(926) 096-64-19


Director GBUKiO Moscow "  Center of V.Devyatov " - Sviridova Elena Alexandrovna
            IO CEO NOUK "  Center of V.Devyatov " -  Ukleba Alla Victorovna
            Deputy Director for the educational part – Kostenko Marina Urievna
            PR-director - Devyatova Elizabeth Vladimirovna.
(916) 355-18-16
            PR- specialist – Savelieva Valeria Olegovna
(926) 306-53-64
• Office phone :
• ( 499) 240-27-71
( 499) 240-27-55
( 499) 240-27-69
• E-mail:
• info@devyatov.ru

• Address:
• 119136, Moscow, 3ed Setunsky lane, 16
• Directions:
• m Kievskaya station  , bus № № 791 , 91 to the stop " School" Detached three-storey building with a sign "Sberbank" , 2nd staircase 3rd floor, door to the right .