Vladimir Devyatov is an outstanding singer of folk songs and romance, who has got the world wide recognition, laureate of Russian and international competitions, festivals. He is also the laureate of the state prizes. People’s artist of Russia.


People's Actor of Russia Vladimir Devyatov.

         Vladimir Devyatov - People's Actor of Russia, laureate of State Prize, Honorary Master of Arts International Academy of Sciences San Marino, the outstanding performer of folk songs and ballads, has received worldwide fame. The world  community calls him "Maestro's voice." The audience of more than 50 countries worldwide applauded him. During the thirty-year career, Vladimir Devyatov has been a cultural "ambassador" of Russia on the state level.

         Vladimir Devyatov is the owner of the voice (tenor) with a range of four octaves full of unique beauty and power. He is one of the most musically gifted singers of the Russian show - business. He deeply feels and knows how to convey the mood of the songs he represented.

         Vladimir Devyatov got his professional music education at the Gnesin Musical Pedagogical Institute (now the Russian Academy of Music) as a soloist - folk singer. Over the period of his work he accumulated the richest vocal repertoire, ranging from the popular pop songs to the most complicated opera roles. The basis of his repertoire consists of Russian folk songs and ballads. He is the only man - a well-known performer of Russian folk songs in Russia.

         In his early years, Vladimir Devyatov appeared on the stage accompanied by an ensemble of Russian folk instruments "Russian Airs" (balalaika, accordion, guitar, etc.), which he ran himself. This time can be considered a period of professional training and public recognition of Vladimir Devyatov as one of the most brilliant performers of Russian folk songs and old romance on the national stage and beyond Russia's borders. Since 1998 - 2005 he along with the performances on the stage. He worked at the theater "New Opera" (artistic director Yevgeny Kolobov). In the premiere performance of "Boris Godunov" he sang the party of Shumsky, in 1999 at the same theater in the premiere of "The Demon" - the party of Prince Sinodal. In the staging of Giuseppe Verdi's "Two Foscari" Devyatov performs the role of Jacopo, recognized as one of the most sophisticated in the world tenor repertoire. The fragments of the parties of Manrico ("Troubadour"), Macduff ("Macbeth"), Ricardo ("Masquerade") sound in the concert play "Viva Verdi!" performed by Vladimir Devyatov. In the repertoire of "baggage" singer - lots of CanioR.Leonkavallo opera "Pagliacci" Berendey from opera by Rimsky-Korsakov's "Snow Maiden", the Prince of Dargomyzhsky opera "Rusalka."

         Vladimir Devyatov was awarded several times - the Diploma Prize winner after Fatyanov of Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, the Laureate Diploma of the Central Federal District in literature and art, the All-Russian professional award of the Diploma in Mass forms of theater, the Theatre Union of Russia, and the Medal "850th Anniversary of Moscow" Medal "200 years of the Russian Interior Ministry," the Interior Ministry Medal "for military cooperation." In 2001, for active participation in the concerts organized for police officers and servicemen of internal troops of Russia Vladimir Devyatov was awarded the prize with the award of the Diploma. In 2002, the Federal Border Guard Service awarded him the Medal "For Merit" f or participation in concerts. In 2014 Vladimir Devyatov was awarded the Prize of the Government of Moscow "For the contribution to culture" and the Medal "For merits before Fatherland" II degree (decree of the President of the Russian Federation from December 5, 2014).

         In 2003 according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Devyatov was awarded the title of "People's Actor of Russia."

         In 2004, Vladimir Devyatov has been working in the genre of "Russian show." This is a new folk project aimed at the modernization of folk song toward its modern sound. He has created a new team, which included singers - choir singers, dancers and musicians instrumentalists - populists. The group included folk-singers and dancers who graduated from the best universities in different regions of Russia. The connection of the traditions of folk singing, inherent to each of the regions, gives the group the unique sound that has become its trademark. Undisputed mastery of the ballet group of the team, complex choreography and stunts provide entertainment to the program of Vladimir Devyatov. The new team, called folk-group "YAR-Marka" immediately became popular among many fans of folk songs, music and dance.

         The concerts of Vladimir Devyatov and his "Russian show" are regularly held at the leading stages of the country (The Kremlin, MIHM, concert hall "Russia" Luzhniki) and outside (Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, China, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Australia, Austria, Israel, Macedonia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Germany, Serbia, France, Belarus, Estonia, Cyprus, the USA and so on.) with great success. Vladimir Devyatov’s "Russian show" is a popular touring team. The personality of Vladimir Devyatov and his creative activity attracts a lot of attention on the part of Russian and foreign media (Channel One, Russia 1, TVC, NTV, MoskovskyKomsomolets, Moscow Pravda, Radio Dacha Militia wave ...) Vladimir Devyatov is the author and host of the folklore project on the radio . He has released nine albums of music with folk songs, art songs and opera parties.

         Today a wonderful singer whom gossip awarded the title of "Maestro Voice," Vladimir Devyatov is at such a stage of life and work, when you can say that he is a formed master, and at the same time, there is reason to assume that the major success is yet to come ...