Vladimir Devyatov is an outstanding singer of folk songs and romance, who has got the world wide recognition, laureate of Russian and international competitions, festivals. He is also the laureate of the state prizes. People’s artist of Russia.


  • 07.05.2024.

  • 09.05.2024.

  • 18.05.2024.

  • 19.05.2024.

  • 28.06.2024.

  • 1989, Youngster follow down the street

    1. I ‘m having fun in Kiev
      Russian folk song
    2. A bell rings monotonously
      Sydorovych K. Makarov I.
    3. Dunya ia a transportation lead
      Russian folk song
    4. There are few roads in a field
      Russian folk song
    5. Remember , my sweetie
      Russian folk song
    6. At dawns
      Russian folk song
    7. I’ll harness three greyhounds
      I. Lazarev - Fadeev
    8. I’m going to the fast river
      words and music A.Popov
    9. Blizzard are sweeps along the street
      Varlamov A., A. Glebov
    10. Flying stray
      A. Varlamov , Koltsov A
    11. Come on, guys!
      Russian folk song
    12. I’m coming out on the road
      Shashin E., M. Lermontov
    13. Youngster follow down the street
      Russian folk song
    14. Oh, wide steppe
      Russian folk song